Sunday, November 1, 2020

All Saints Day

I loved to go to Church on All Saints Day when I was young. I even took the morning off of school in high school to go to Church on All Saints Day when it didn't occur on a Sunday or Saturday. To me it was one of those very important days in the Church Year that one should just be there thanking God for all that he has given to us. 

Today it is dawn as I look out of the window at 6:30 a.m. I love the return to Standard Time as well. Really I would like to just stay at Standard Time year round. I do not need Daylight Savings Time. But it is likely to continue as it permits people to have long evenings in the summer and I have to admit our winters are long, cold and dark so perhaps for some that long bright evening in the summer is a welcome respite. 

It is nice that in the midst of our second semi-lockdown here in Ottawa that All Saints Day is actually on a Sunday. At 10:30 am I shall be on You-Tube being part of the Service at the Church. It is enough for me at the moment. Today especially I will remember my brother Doug at prayer time. His was a life of service for sure especially in the Church.

Our yard work is pretty much complete with just the snowfence to go up and cleaning out the gutter on the lower eavestrough. Perhaps we will have the tree out front removed; time will tell. 

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