Sunday, November 8, 2020

Entering that new week that will lead us onward

For my entire life until the last couple of years, Canada has lived next door to the greatest neighbour in the world. We didn't always agree on every detail but we were supportive of each other. As a country with enormous natural resources far in excess of what we can utilize ourselves we became especially the last thirty to fourty years the storehouse for the massive industrial complex to the south of us. No one really realized how dependent we were on them in terms of finished products until disaster struck in a double thronged approach - the pandemic COVID-19 and a feeling that the present American President hated Canada. COVID-19 is still with us but there is this wonderful early spring before winter has even struck in the air. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke to the American nation last night with a program that was probably listened to around the world. In terms of numbers I expect it was the most listened to set of speeches ever. Normalcy was re-entering into the world and the world can feel a sigh of relief. I expect the Biden-Harris team will be just as protectionist as the present President-Vice President to be honest. But we have learned our lesson and will produce products here in Canada that are vital to our survival and not be dependent on anyone else. 

Prayers that the CDC will finally be allowed to do what they do so very well. Certainly the President-elect will be most supportive of them doing so. The numbers are so large now of new cases in the United States; the death rate horrific. Here we also have people marching against mask-wearing and shut-downs. But the reality is that these processes work and we will just have to continue with both of these processes until a vaccine has taken hold in the population. 

And it is Sunday. My Sunday Service is in my Inbox and I will be off to Church at 10:30 once again all in my own home. A new normalcy which I rather like.

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