Sunday, November 22, 2020

Canada-UK Trade Deal

The new Canada-UK Trade Deal was a surprise yesterday. I never had an opinion on Boris Johnson particularly but having COVID-19 changed him. I have no ideas on whether or not the UK should be in the EU or out although I had gotten used to them being part of the EU. Now we are back to that big family idea of the Commonwealth. It is an interesting happening in the midst of a pandemic. I wonder how my cousins are doing in England as well as in the United States. Having met so many people on line and expanded the knowledge of family relations a thousand fold, this pandemic has made me recall all of the many thousands of cousins that I have met. I think we are a lot alike. We liked to chat for a bit and then move on to the next new cousin. Occasionally I revisit someone I have written to long ago but mostly I just keep plunging forward to a new cousin. The Trade Deal reminded me that we are really just one big family all these countries in the commonwealth.

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