Friday, November 20, 2020

COVID-19 and patience, respect and adherence to the rules

COVID-19 is on the march and we have to be vigilant or we will be looking at the same scenario as the United States. It will take patience, respect and adherence to the rules. Walking outside can be a problem as some young people (anyone under 40 is young to me!) are simply not respecting the six feet distance outside although I have to say that many do do so. My husband has a mobility device and he does not move quickly. My husband should wear a mask when walking outside because he simply does not react fast enough to put one on but that is another story. Vaccines should be here by mid to late spring and then just time to let the antibodies build up and we can move back to a more normal life hopefully. Just a few more months to respect the rights of all people; follow the rules and we will be much happier in the long run. I was young once and it is hard to accept the limitations that are needed to protect the vulnerable. I shudder to think of what might happen again in Long Term Care homes if people are not careful. 

Another day of minimal accomplishment with phasing of the DNA but I do have the car vacuumed! That is great news as there was quite a bit of leaf bits in there. Soon the snow will come and leaf bits will be a thing of the past until next year!

Perhaps tomorrow I will accomplish more. Although I see there is a Bible Study with the Labyrinth Group at the Church coming up which I may attend. I do love a good Bible Study. 

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