Friday, November 13, 2020

COVID-19 in Canada

Our numbers continue to rise albeit much slower than our neighbour to the South but still so many cases. We have not been back to the mall since we saw that couple walking around, man had his mask on and he was carrying his wife's mask and she was smiling away at people. Can you imagine! There is no excuse for having your face uncovered in a mall. What an insult to everyone there. My husband has to use a puffer to keep his lungs clear of sarcoidosis and he wears a mask. People with lung disease wear a mask. What right did that woman have to wander around the mall smiling at everybody and not wearing a mask. None! My rant for the day. Just back from shopping and everyone was wearing their mask and properly.  

We were restricted and the restrictions have eased; back at Level 3 so restaurants etc open although we have not been to a restaurant since the lockdown in March. We will not go again until at least next spring/summer but my husband has a special diet so maybe not again for quite a while. I am sorry about that as my husband really enjoys going out but it isn't going to happen. Coming from a business family I do realize that this is really hard on them although now a days people really like take out so can switch to that.

Covid-19 cases in Canada 282,577 (increase of 5,516 over yesterday), 10,768 deaths (increase of 83 over yesterday) and 226,775 recovered (increase of 3,576 over yesterday). Worldwide we are now at 52,788,524 cases (increase of 556,473 over yesterday), 1,294,028 deaths (increase of 7,760 over yesterday) and 34,181,795 recovered (increase of 189,185 over yesterday). The numbers are tumbling upward at a rate of 1 million every two days. 

Our American neighbours  have 10,637,421 cases (increase of 163,409 over yesterday), 246,291 deaths (increase of 1,870 over yesterday) and 5,858,772 recovered (increase of 28,371 over yesterday). What an awful time they are having. CDC is starting to exert itself more, fear of President Trump is perhaps receding and soon (68 days) President-elect Biden will be in control and with the help of the American people all wearing masks, physically distancing and frequent hand-washing Americans will bring their numbers down. I think that using masks as a political statement is the most criminal thing I have ever seen happen to be honest. President-elect Biden has now been awarded Arizona giving him 290 Electoral College votes so well ahead of the 270 votes that he needs in the Electoral College. Although he will also be tough with regard to trade it will be nice to see the American president caring about his people and not just himself. We (Canada and the United States) share a long border and it has been closed for awhile. That must be very hard on Americans who are so dependent on Canadians coming down to shop and stay.

I do pray that my second cousins in the United States can survive all of this as they are my age (when we visited my Great Aunt Sarah in Elmira NY she did talk about her grandchildren so feel I knew them a little). We have been corresponding.

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