Tuesday, November 10, 2020

No Blog Post Yesterday

Yesterday was a busy day; I was cleaning and I just never did sit down and write a blog post. I was thinking about tribalism and the causes of the First World War. So many Canadians died in the First World War on the fields of battle in France. And then the Second World War which was started by a dictator who dreamed of that country being the greatest in the World. Somewhat shocking those thoughts. I was born at the very end of World War II. But the fears, hopes, dreams, and suffering were part of my growing up years. As children from a young age in school we walked several blocks to a Church near my public school every Remembrance Day. There we heard stories of heroism, death and destruction all because a dictator (not even from the country that he ended up dominating) who claimed that he wanted revenge against those who had defeated this country in the First World War. In reality he just wanted everything for himself - luxury beyond the dreams of most people in the world. Control and absolute rule; they were his desires not the good of the people. I discovered as I vacuumed that the name of the country does not really matter; it was the act that mattered. Trying to control the press and the government by brute force he worked his way towards Chancellor of that country. I do not mention his name because his name should be forever forgotten. 

All dictators should be forever forgotten; their actions remembered for the sin that they were to the world but not their name. Do not give them that luxury in a world that remembers those who do so much for the world.  Let their name be forever struck from this world.

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