Saturday, November 21, 2020

Planning Christmas just in case

We decided to plan Christmas just in case. Setting up the tree and being ready is a good idea. With vaccines being talked about so much next Christmas will be really enjoyed. 

COVID-19 is on the rise and will we have the will to beat it down once again. I have the will and returned to not leaving the house except for food and essential shopping twice a week. So far so good. Masked, washing frequently and aiming  for two metres away from everyone else not in my bubble. Our bubble is pretty small which is lucky for us. 

Just nine days to come in November and December will come and the end of December 2019 is when we heard about the new coronavirus arising. Pandemic was not in anyone's thoughts a year ago but Mother Nature is indisputably the owner of that type of action. We have to live in unison with Mother Nature or face the consequences. The environment continues to be the most important item in our lives. We must live with it and stop destroying it.

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