Monday, November 23, 2020

Snow Snow Snow !

A lovely covering of snow this morning and our first snow shoveling done by the group that we hired to do that. Yesterday I actually managed a couple of hours phasing DNA results. 

Our Church has now purchased a camera so that the YouTube production is live including the actual service  with continuous image and dialogue. Far superior sound and the camera kept up with the service the entire time. The music was also greatly improved. I can see myself attending this way for a long time. This way perhaps I will never actually move from the Anglican Church; I like my church service and can live with the Book of Alternative Services although I prefer the Book of Common Prayer. But I do not have to be part of the ongoing discussion that I feel could have been avoided many years ago. Sacramental marriage has not existed since the Divorce Act became final and the Anglican Church accepted it. Marriage is a civil affair as it was in the beginning. 

Today more phasing hopefully but first I need to clean the house. Today the top floor gets cleaned and that takes about three hours to four hours for me to accomplish it.  I am somewhat slower these days and I do take a break every hour to hour and a half for at least half of an hour.

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