Tuesday, November 3, 2020


I woke up to a blanket of snow all over the ground today. Love Winter; welcome snow and welcome to the blue jays feeding at the bird's nest early this morning. Winter has begun in Eastern Canada and likely to prevail until next April. Lots of work time; I have a lot planned. 

An interesting match on Gedmatch yesterday that looks like my Pincombe line. Entered that into the system just before I get back to looking at the 125 new results that I have added from current matches to completed matches. Complete in that I have painted them on DNA Painter where I have subjectively assigned them to one or another of my grandparents based on their matches within my set. I have entered them into my excel database of all my matches by chromosome number and then start of centimorgan match. I have assigned them either with great confidence or semi-confidence to one of my four great grandparents with a few assigned to Unknown classification even if I have painted them into a particular grandparent on DNA Painter (they are easily changed). This is another excel flat file that contains all of the matches that I have located and been able to put into an Excel file - 730 matches in total from 23 and Me, FT DNA, Ancestry via Gedmatch, and My Heritage. I have not yet done anything with Living DNA as we do not have those matches yet. 

I will review Chromosome 1 once again as I have added a number of matches and that will be my starting point. Since I started this yearly reworking of the phasing in February one hopes that I can complete it before it is time to begin again!

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