Monday, November 2, 2020

The second wave of COVID-19

We are very much into the second wave of COVID-19 here in Canada. My area is back to a modified second stage and given the number of cases lately unlikely to be reinstated to Stage 3 on the 7th of November. You can see it in the stores and malls that we were frequenting. People not wearing masks - not many - but it only takes one super spreader to infect hundreds in one go. Why do people think they are exempt from the rules. The only exemption is to stay out if you are not wearing a mask. It is disrespectful of the people who are shopping in a store. Totally unacceptable. 

There is my rant for the day. We were walking in the mall a week ago and a woman (her husband was carrying her mask) was walking around the mall not wearing a mask. She actually had the nerve to smile. I do not care what you think is your reason for going maskless but it is unacceptable. Lots of people have lung disorders but they are wearing coverings. 

Another beautiful fall day here. The sunrise was cloudy and quiet, no bright red splotches. I love this time of year with its promise of long nights and lots of DNA work to be done.

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