Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Beautiful sunrise

Warm rich yellow orange colours spread across the sky at sunrise this morning. Now an hour later it is still minus 11 degrees celsius and yesterday's snow has mostly disappeared. The ground is frozen solid and awaits a blanket of snow to protect the perennials from this frigid cold. 

Day four of the lockdown here in Ontario. Yesterday's hurried trip to the grocery store happened much later in the day than usual. It was well past dusk before I made it there. The days move much too quickly for me these days. 

Another busy day today as Ed is into ParaMed for a dressing change. I have done the last two dressings and they will do this one. Then I do not know where we go next with that. It has been good to watch how they do this medical work; my time in the hospital was spent in front of a computer for the most part. I did do CPR years ago now but even that knowledge is pretty ancient. Will see what the day brings. 

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