Thursday, December 24, 2020

Busy day yesterday

 Yesterday was one of the busiest days I have put in for a while. Three trips to the grocery store before I finally secured a fresh chicken for Christmas. Perhaps next year I will book one! Then off to ParaMed for bandage change and I am about to start doing the changes for two times and then return just to check on the progress. That is working very well. 

Physio for Ed started and muscoskeletal difficulties appear to be the problem which is a relief in some ways but very painful for him. But it is good to get started on that process. He will go once a week and then perhaps twice a week once he is stronger and likely in less pain. 

Five trips out and about is a lot for even me. I was exhausted. Having to help Ed rising up has been a strain on my back and I really felt it yesterday. Today I am minimizing any lifting on my part so that my back has a rest. 

Tomorrow is Christmas. The birth of the Christ Child and the time when I do tend to recall Christmases past. We had huge family Christmas days with all the grandparents, uncle and aunt. My parents also tended to entertain more at that time of the year so the house was always busy; full of the smell of fresh baked goods and savoury meals. My favourite part of the turkey was always the sausage stuffing until I learned to appreciate more solid meat! I loved Christmas; singing at Church and all the family times. I used to tuck myself away in a corner of the living room and watch mostly as I was number 4 child and rather small and skinny when I was young. But it was fun and I often tell my children and grandchildren at Christmas time what life was like in a big family at Christmas. They love those stories. 

Time to do my calisthenics; best medicine for my back actually. That routine set of 20 exercises cover all of the major and minor muscle groups. I fine tuned it through the years so that by the end of the twenty minutes my entire being is refreshed as there is also counting to relax the mind.

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