Monday, December 28, 2020

Entering into the third day of lockdown

 Number three day of lockdown and I must do some grocery shopping today. I will go in the slow time. Ed is still bothered by his back weakness and pain. We are working away at that. Everytime we solve one problem another one pokes up its existence. I was pretty tired all weekend and I suspect this will be another tired week. Once we have the vaccine then I would be comfortable having a Health Worker coming in to help me a couple of times a week. Ed is just too heavy for me to manage by myself. Combined with my daughter we are managing but eventually both of us are going to be very worn down. 

It was a good Christmas though and we managed to make the feast last three days in total with different meals each day all of them selected by Ed. He does love Christmas time with all its festive meals. I did make a pound cake with yeast once again which he is enjoying.

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