Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Physio and Massage for Ed

 Have been thinking that Ed needs to get back to his physio and massage. Will let the physiotherapist work that one out. We do a lot of walking about the house these days. Once we get our COVID-19 vaccine then we will go back to walking at the Mall. But you just can not really trust people. The other day I was using the hand cleaner at our Metro and a young woman dashed in close to me and without so much as an excuse me was into the store. No waiting in line for her I guess. That can happen at any time and you never know if that person is an asymptomatic carrier. Really very undisciplined of them. I am not in any danger likely from COVID-19 but if I catch it my husband might as well and for him that would be a disaster. 

Time continues forward and I have done almost no decorating for Christmas. Did manage to get gifts fortunately and they are mostly wrapped but no decorations. Must remedy that a little. It will just be our own little group living together that does Christmas this year. We will stick with the guidelines and that does require a lot of discipline. Hopefully everyone will do that although with the cases skyrocketing in the Toronto area obviously some people are just very selfish. 

Still no DNA work done; must get back to that soon. I also have a newsletter to do but can not seem to settle my mind down to that at the moment. 

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