Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Still no accomplishment in my phasing work

Although I have not had any time to work on phasing, my time has been well spent. My husband looks stronger. That is more important to me than anything else. I marvel at his perseverance although he says it is because I am like that. I just get up and keep moving. My grandparents were like that. I wonder what they think looking down. They would be sad for me not having my children and grandchildren living near me as we had lived near them. They would think that I live a very lonely life with no family around me; my siblings, nieces and nephews and their children are all elsewhere. They would be sad for me that my husband is ill. Their life was so totally different from mine.  

Their life was organized. I try to keep mine that way but life doesn't actually flow that way anymore. Organization is hard to maintain. There is always something to throw off a schedule. Perhaps that is the charm of modern life; it is always changing. Our experiences are so very different from our grandparents and yet they enjoyed their lives. Interesting to think on that.

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