Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The days fly by and it is almost New Year's Eve Day

I always feel a bit nostalgic at New Years thinking of years past and the years that may come. I permit myself that little bit of license just to dream away for a bit. Generally we are with our children at New Years and that has been the case for many years. This year will be somewhat different as just one of our children will be with us but the others are there in our heart and soul. We will miss being with them as another year comes around. 

What will 2021 bring? I guess for most it is a desire to return to normalcy. I have actually enjoyed all of this at home time and very little shopping. It suits me very well. When I do go shopping it is very precise as I have a list in hand. When I want to shop I generally go to the websites of the establishments I intend to frequent and again my time there is brief and precise but then I have always been like that. I do not like to dawdle around stores. 

For me this part year has been a normalcy for me in many ways. The COVID-19 is just one of those blights that occur in our lives over which we have limited control. It was that way with polio in the 1950s in London, Ontario. Vaccine comes along and one more blight disappears. But Pandemics are to be feared because this one has been so very difficult. Mother Nature does not intend for us to ruin this earth. She will fight back.

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