Monday, December 14, 2020

The Vaccine has arrived

Nice to see the vaccine has now arrived in Canada. We are likely still looking at another year of wearing masks until the traces of COVID-19 disappear from our air. But it is such a great start to now have the vaccine here and soon into people's arms. 

For just a moment in time way back in the spring it looked like democracy could not survive the onslaught of COVID-19 but in the end the people as a community do know what is best for our generations to move forward. A bit sluggish at times as young adults just didn't have the discipline to stay the course and still do not apparently looking at Toronto area but moving along. Ottawa has done well this past month and we just need to stay the course. For most people a year from now is just a blip in time but for those with chronic illness this is a very fragile time and for them a year from now is an eon. 

Will democracy survive to the south of us? I watch as the events unfold there. I wonder how people can prefer a person who cares not a whit about the average American letting them die by the hundreds of thousands without even trying to stem the flow. Actually making a mockery of wearing a mask. Yet he received over seventy million votes which of course doesn't compare to the other candidate's 80 million votes. How can each state be happy with their votes (some led by republican congresses) and yet people in other states look at them and see fraud. Is there no respect for individual states these days in the United States? The Republican Party is the party that defends State's Rights! Really hard to understand when you are on the outside looking in. Sharing our thousands of miles of border can be a frightening experience when you see people with guns bigger than they are parading down streets. Who needs a gun like that? You can not hunt with it and what other value is there in having long guns? Glad that I turned my revolver in to the police a while ago now. I could never own a gun again watching the dreadful murders that have happened to the south of us and in our own country. 

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