Saturday, December 5, 2020

Whereever do I begin

My husband is home again and we are managing with the help of our daughters. It is nice to see him sitting at his desk once again in his study. He loves that room. It holds all of his family memories and genealogy which has occupied all of his retired time since 2004. He has been thus occupied almost half as long as he worked for the National Research Council. 

I think that my life will made a radical change. I had decided several weeks ago that I should spend the mornings with my husband in our living room talking and watching TV and walking about in between for exercise. For me that is a big change as I always closeted myself with my computer all morning long as my mind is at its best in the mornings; I do creative thinking then. In the afternoon I tend towards repetitive work and then in the evening I seldom work as I am definitely a morning person in spite of my genes saying that I am a night person. 

That means I will not get a lot of work done while we are operating on this new system. I will try but the time available is just so much especially with cooking most items from scratch to avoid salt. It sort of reminds me of our first years together when we spent most of that time together except during classes and lab times. 

A million things to do!

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