Sunday, January 31, 2021

1096 Emails

Suddenly realized that I have 1096 Emails in my Inbox that need to be filed, answered more fully or otherwise dealt with and do not see too many blocks of time right now that will clear my mailbox. So apologies to anyone waiting for a more in depth reply from me. 

Church Service has added more hymns which I rather like. I do miss singing the hymns for sure but in reality I was missing the entire service so that COVID-19 has brought me my dearest wish which was to have an online Church Service. I would wish that we did not have COVID-19 but since we have been afflicted with it at least some good has come out of it and perhaps there will eventually be a list of achievements because we are so afflicted. However, the drawbacks will always far exceed any benefits. Twenty thousand Canadians have died now from COVID-19 and that is a sad milestone to have reached. We are now completing our 11th month although individual areas (including my own) are now into an entire years of COVID-19 cases. 

Vaccine problems will probably plague us for some time yet and it is unlikely that we will be able to come out of lockdown mid February because of the presence of variants although they do not appear to have gotten out into the general population but opening up would likely expose all of us to that variant unfortunately so likely we are locked down until April at least. By then there would have perhaps been 10 million people vaccinated primarily those in the front lines and those most in danger of hospitalization/death because of COVID-19. But I think we will be wearing masks until Spring 2022. It will seem strange to no longer wear a mask but I am thinking that if I have a cold in the future that I may well wear a mask whenever I am out and about with a cold. It seems the right thing to do in reality to avoid spreading germs. 

A new week is ahead of us and we enter into February. Our January calendar had us out at least three times a week or more (I am generally the one out and about to the grocery stores and pharmacy) but that included medical visits and physiotherapy/massage visits for Edward. I am hoping that February will be less  with most of the visits online except for the physio/massage for Edward and my trips for groceries/pharmacy items. 

Another bright sunny day again and it was minus 20 degrees celsius first thing this morning when I awoke. We are into the midst of our winter and soon with February coming we will see the heavier snows that take us into March when with luck we might get a little melting and then all that melting in April and May. Spring will come and we can be outside more in the fresh air.

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