Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cleaning did not quite make it

Well this is day three of the cleaning cycle but I am still on the main floor. I have decided that I will do Monday, Tuesday and Thursday giving me Wednesday off and that sounds like a practical idea. Must get back to finishing the sections where the robot can not go and then some dusting and a bathroom to scrub. Cleaning is a never ending cycle and we got behind these past two months having to help Edward so much.

We made cream of potato soup today and it was quite delicious - no salt actually as Ed can not have too much salt so restrict it from everywhere so that the bit he gets from food is all that he gets; no extra. Next time I will do six potatoes instead of four potatoes but otherwise the soup was delicious just could have had more potato!

Another snow fall and it is building up in the backyard. Likely there is a metre out there now as it does drift in somewhat plus we have had quite a bit of snow and no melting. 

Still not getting anything done other than caring for Ed but I am wearing a weight belt now when I have to help him up and that is working well. I never thought of doing that but my daughter suggested it and she was right. Should have been doing it all along. He outweighs me by fourty pounds so it is a strain especially on my legs to lift him (plus my back). I was wondering if there was something wrong with my back earlier in the year. If there is; it is managing to get through this although pretty tired and sore at the end of the day. But he is getting stronger. He bikes every morning and does his physio exercises every afternoon plus he is walking around the house about every hour which is helping him quite a bit (he is using his walker all the time).

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