Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccine

 I remember the huge vaccination clinics when I was a child in school. Smallpox in particular involved these very long lines of students all waiting patiently in line for their turn. Run ever so perfectly by Public Health and I rather thought that was going to happen with the Covid-19 vaccinations. Whatever is happening? Public Health is perfectly capable of managing huge vaccination clinics.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora from New Zealand, I maybe a relative of yours as you appear to have a lot of
    my Routledge cousins on your tree.
    I have several known relatives in Canada not contacted for a few years, recently I had a mtDNA done one of the reasons was because I had a blockage that for the last 30 years I was unable to go beyond this was Elizabeth Nixon parents.
    Elizabeth Nixon is the 2nd great grandmother of Heather Amy* Douglas, which is ME.
    I mentioned this yesterday to a cousin in Spain and she sent me the information overnight that it was Elizabeth Tweddle born 1787 Lanercost, Cumberland.
    I also need to mention that there is a relationship between my fathers family and my mothers family even thought they met on a blind date organized by my Dads mate in another city in New Zealand in 1937 while Dads parents were staying in England for a 2 year holiday break and the two sets of grandparents never met till my christening 1940
