Thursday, January 28, 2021

Dentist today

Off to the dentist today and was quite shocked to keep my boots on and my coat with me but it is probably the safer way to do it for sure during COVID-19. I bought a new rechargeable toothbrush a couple of months ago and was really pleased with the result. Gums in good shape and the amount of scaling was reduced. I like to manually brush once a day and electric toothbrush the other time of the day. 

We are now paperless which is handy as the information comes to our inboxes (although I wondered where Ed's was but a quick call verified that it was in his email account). Must remember to think outside of the box on these things as it doesn't matter who pays for it the email from his account will always go to him. I must be getting older or just tired from the busyness as I do all the driving and also have to help Ed to stand from sitting. Managing his walker is a big task as well and I think we might get a third one that just stays in the car to save all that work of hauling it back into the house and cleaning it each time. It does perhaps sound a bit excessive but I do need to think of my ability to manage as well. I have been trying to minimize some of my tasks and there is less strain on me and the weight belt helps a great deal. Glad my daughter had that excellent idea.

Other than that we filled up the tank with gasoline for the first time this year. We are filling the tank about every two and a half months these days. Our trips are few and far between and mostly curbside pickups although I continue to shop for groceries on my own at the Metro, Superstore and Farm Boy. Two of them do offer curbside pickup but I do rather like to pick out what I want. Plus I get to see where everything is from. We like to buy Canadian these days if we are producing it hydroponically otherwise we are buying from somewhere else as nothing is going to grow under all that snow without special aids!

The winter is moving onward. As the days lengthen the amount of snow continues to increase with our heaviest snows generally in late February into March and even April. Although April does tend to be lighter in terms of amount of snow. I am still not missing going out. Perhaps it is my age although I have always enjoyed being at home and not shopping for long periods of time. I like a quick in and out of the stores.

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