Saturday, January 30, 2021

Disruption of routine

Is disruption of your routine a bonus or a disaster? Never really sure on that. My day used to begin always with playing my daily Microsoft Solitaire Games. It woke up my arthritis fingers and my mind. Overall it is a great morning exercise in my opinion. Start slowly; open the mind and work the fingers. There are other morning happenings but as old age continues to take its toll on some so the morning items do change (no longer doing 45 minutes of exercise before breakfast!). I generally do my calisthenics just before lunch these days. Having to help Edward move about has cut into my exercise times. But it is wonderful these days to wake up to daylight as gradually we turn our thoughts and calendars towards summer. Although we are in mid winter that signals a return to spring not being that far away these days.

Our vaccine troubles appear to be doubling in size these days. It will be a while before sufficient vaccine comes to Canada. The Conservatives blame the Liberals and I tend to place the blame squarely on the Conservatives who long ago allowed the production of such vital items to disappear from our Canadian business scene arguing that it could be done cheaper elsewhere. Obviously that was one of the worst assumptions in history and one that Canadians will pay for for a very long time as we try to redo our basic industrial needs which are going to cost more but what is happening now is hugely expensive. Not giving the Liberals a miss on this either though. They should have planned right away last spring to support home grown research to produce a vaccine in Canada with Canadian ingenuity and materials. All the other parties are just mouthing platitudes as they could have been in there putting pressure on the government to better support home industries. 

Another Saturday, the last day of the week and it has been a difficult week for me. But I tend to be optomistic about the next week always. Tomorrow I start the new week with my Church Service which always brightens up my time here on earth. It is wonderful to have that hour to spend with God and listen to the teachings that have been imparted to my family through the generations. 

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