Sunday, January 24, 2021

New Glasses

I always enjoy getting new glasses; the shiny new lenses and the slight uptick in magnification as I age has been quite pleasant. I went back to Distance glasses and Reading glasses about four years ago because I was forever tripping into things. I wore bifocals from the age of 34 years on and I have worn glasses since I was eighteen months old. So I have had a lot of new pairs of glasses through the years. Those tiny little glasses that I first had I can still see through them although they are only good for distance now; they do not serve as reading glasses aside from being too small anyway!

Off to Church first thing and it is great just to go down to the basement and turn on YouTube. I can enjoy that for a very long time. 

Ed also has new glasses but he needs to have cataract surgery and then new glasses will be a bonus for him. His vision is pretty fuzzy and he gave up driving last May because of that plus his health was poor. He simply hasn't driven since. I am back into the driving routine again after eight months of driving. I like to drive but I can see a value now in not owning a car and just using taxis when you need to go someplace. By the time I am 80 I do not plan on driving. 

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