Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Busy week

 Surprisingly Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday have flown by. We are in modification mood. It would be nice to combine Ed's sleeping area with his working area so that he can get at his computer more readily so I have spent the last three days working that all out. We had to buy a few items to make that possible and I have started to prepare items for moving from one room to the other. We are waiting for an Occupational Therapist to review his needs and in particular we want to get him a hospital bed which would let him raise and lower  himself making it easier to get in and out of bed. It is a major move as he has a desk in the bedroom and there is a large dresser and both of these will move out and his computer desk and other equipment will move in. The dresser eventually could come back when the hospital bed comes. The bed in there currently is a queen sized bed so space will be freed up when it leaves which would be a good thing as it is a little crowded with everything that is currently there. 

I have been measuring and cleaning to get ready for the big move on the weekend. We will go through all of his material gradually so that we can move it to other people or places over the next few years. I think it will be quite a while before I get back to my genealogical endeavours.

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