Monday, February 1, 2021

Finally verification of Chromosome 23

Although I do not know the two siblings who have tested I do know that they are descendant of the twin sister of my 2x great grandmother Ann (Welch) Buller. Amazingly one of the siblings matches both my brother and I with a substantial length on the X chromosome giving me real proof that my phasing of the X chromosome was absolutely correct. I can now look at all of these X chromosome matches with my brother and I and know that they are descendants of my Buller grandmother and in this case where the match is shared that they are descending from my grandmother's father's mother. Quite exciting actually. I try to check my matches and generally give myself about 30 minutes a day to do that. Doing so brings me closer to my recently deceased brother. Having moved away from my birth area 45 years ago I have lost touch with my family in some ways but in other ways it is like yesterday that we were all together.

My match with my new DNA cousins shows as third cousin but in reality we share 3x great grandparents so are actually 4th cousins with my sharing 1.36% over 7 segments for a total of  101 cM. The X chromosome matches (I have two as does one of my brothers and one of my sisters has a single match). To have that happen amidst so much busyness has been truly a tremendous happening.

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