Saturday, February 13, 2021

Found Tegaderm dressings

 Tegaderm dressings are the neatest way to treat a wound these days. Absolutely waterproof and I did manage to find a place to buy them although they are mostly supplied in medical care but occasionally between visits I need to change a dressing and do not have enough spare dressings if Ed has happened to acquire a need for that. Great news that I found a place to buy them. 

I have learned a great deal about wound healing the past nine months. Too bad I did not go back and study nursing I often think in retrospect now that we are in are old age. Ed requires a lot of nursing care and I have only my days as a teenager visiting nursing homes and a couple of courses that I took at the hospital. Not a lot of knowledge plus it is nearly twenty years since I took a course so old knowledge these days. 

As the week finishes I am happy to report that my dreadful calamaties that fell daily at the beginning of the week have somewhat trickled away. A new bath chair has made it possible for Ed to have a good shower whenever he wants to do that. The PSW has proven to be quite wonderful although he can easily pick Ed up but is only here a short time every day. The rest of the time he relies on us. 

Whatever next week will bring remains shrouded in darkness and is perhaps as well. Ed is struggling to keep going and we are trying to help him with that. It is good that he has this desire to defeat as he is only 77 years of age. I remember visiting nursing homes when I was a teenager and especially men in their late 60s had basically just given up. It was so very sad.

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