Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Ground Hog Day and one of our continuities

Ground Hog Day was greatly enjoyed when I was a child. My mother especially used to like to mention Ground Hog Day and it usually resulted in her telling us what it was like to live on a farm which she did until her father died when she was eight years of age. Then she moved to the city and found it a lonely existence until she went to Girl Guides which she loved. We are two very different people my mother and I. She was a people person; my parents loved to entertain when I was young. I must admit I hated the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke from a young age. The sound of loud voices chatting away about mostly their lives before children was more interesting as one doesn't always realize that parents had a life before children when one is young. I am glad my parents had a fun time in their lives to be very honest. They both worked hard all of their days. 

Ground Hog Day in southwestern Ontario was a fun time as we knew the snow would mostly be gone in March so the fun of saying six more weeks of winter was very realistic. Here in Eastern Ontario we will have six more weeks of winter and beyond that! However I still enjoy all the presentations from around North America on Ground Hog Day.

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