Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I wonder if

 I do wonder if it is too late to become a nun. I had contemplated becoming a nun in my teen years and working as a medical missionary. That didn't happen of course as I have now been married for nearly 54 and one half years. I tend to live in the moment and at the moment Edward is still trying very hard to recover. It is very isolating being ill during a lockdown. He has found it very difficult. I think he would be happier if he could have a more active life. But occasionally my mind does move to what if I am left alone. What would I do? Returning to the thoughts of my childhood has been a wondrous event and given me more energy to put in the kind of effort I need to in order to make it possible for Edward to stay home. Exhaustion has overwhelmed both my daughter and myself these past couple of months.

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