Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Isaiah 40: 31

 Truer words were never spoken than the words of Isaiah 40:31

The Lord gives strength
   to those who are weary.
Even young people get tired,
   then stumble and fall.
But those who trust the Lord
   will find new strength.
They will be strong like eagles
   soaring upward on wings;
they will walk and run
   without getting tired.

Last night I managed my husband on my own as my daughter had pulled a muscle in her back so will need to rest for a couple of days in terms of helping to lift my husband. Today I feel somewhat mangled and washed out but he tries so hard to manage. I can not imagine him in Long Term Care so not giving up yet!

God is always there for us; we just have to listen. The Bible Reading for today just seemed to be what I needed to hear. A quiet day today as we do not have to go anywhere which is always nice. 

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