Saturday, February 20, 2021

New match on 23 and Me

 A new match came up on 23 and Me and I also discovered a match with his sister from a while ago that I did not notice at the time. These two have a small match with a known Rawlings cousin who only matches me on the Rawlings line as far as we can tell. I am thinking given the area that they lived in that they are distant on that Rawlings line (possibly going back to my 3x great grandparents but I am reluctant to actually follow through on that thought as they do not match known descendants of my 4x great grandparents Jeremiah Rawlins and Sarah Tanner. I had sufficient information to find them on Free BMD and trace them back to their parents (and found their eight siblings as well) who married at Swindon, Wiltshire. The phasing of my grandparents appears to settle them into the Rawlins/Rawlings line. Tempting to write but life is a bit too busy to go beyond what I have done in a captured hour this morning. I shall put all that into my memory box to pull out a little later and look at it again. 

It isn't too often that I grab one of these hours. Eventually I need to get into the emails and answer some of them more fully. I try to give them as much information as I can without doing a lot of lookup in my databases just to help them with their initial question. 

Beautiful day today; sunny and coming up to minus 2 celsius mid-afternoon. When we pass the middle of February I can start to think of spring coming in six weeks or so. I love the winter though and do not rush it away. Spring and Summer have become these long continuous days of work for me although this year we have already altered our thoughts with regard to the yard and may hire someone to do the lawn cutting and trimming just to save that part of the job. I could then do more on the garden which Ed does love so much. He is looking forward to summer and the warm days outside.

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