Thursday, February 25, 2021

Winter Wonderland surrounds me

What an absolutely beautiful morning this is with the trees coated in white and the sky full of billowing white clouds. Spring is definitely on the march forward; once we start getting more and more of the fluffy white snow that clings to absolutely everything the temperatures are starting to rise and spring is beckoning from around the corner. My daughters and I had a lovely song for this time of year: Spring is around the corner waiting for _______ (name of child). It was a real favourite as children are getting tired of all that white stuff by the end of February. They just want to get out there and play with that swing set beckoning from the back yard. They want to try out their latest tricycle on the back patio. They can just vaguely recall that they used to just run out the door without boots, coat, mitts, leggings. 

Hope is always there deep in the heart and this breathtaking morning reminds me of that. 

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