Sunday, March 21, 2021

Canada as part of the commonwealth with the Queen as our Head of State

I still firmly believe that Canada does well being part of the British Commonwealth and with having a royal Head of State. There is enormous continuity in government with a Sovereign at our Head. The Prince of Wales will make an excellent King if that opportunity comes his way as will Prince William in his own time. 

My grandfather lived through the reigns of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, King George V, King Edward VIII, King George VI and he saw the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II although he died later in 1953 so did not really live long through much of her reign. But that was six Kings and Queens - amazing really. When I was born and until I was eight King George VI was the reigning monarch and for the rest of my life thus far Queen Elizabeth II has been the reigning monarch. It is amazing sometimes how the Royal House flows - long and short though England has been blessed by her many Kings and Queens in modern time and even earlier. 

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