Saturday, March 20, 2021

Edward looked better today

Edward looked better today and luckily the doctor dropped by while I was there with Ed and we discussed how to move forward. That was a really good discussion. I needed to have a discussion with him. 

The Civic is my favourite campus that I worked at (worked at the General first, then the Civic and then the Riverside) and I am feeling better today; I can get stressed sometimes; possibly my nervous disorder. I like the tent which holds the overflow as patients are moved from emergency to the wards. It is open but lots of privacy. The huge ceiling allows for really good air flow. The individual cubicles allow for discussion time with the doctor and it feels pretty private. 

I can see though that I should do a letter writing to the province as they do not fund the auxiliary health services that are really essential for people who have had falls or breaks to bones in the tent area. I think it is important for physio/OT to get right in there and assess people and get them moving as soon as it is practical. The young would benefit but the old especially lose muscle mass quickly when they are not active. 

I have my husband doing some foot exercises just to keep his muscles toned somewhat and he will try some of the bed stretches that I showed him. Really important to wake up the muscles especially after a fall.

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