Thursday, March 18, 2021

Hospital Bed has arrived

Hospital Bed has arrived. Sheets to be ordered quickly (although I do have cotton ones I could use but he likes the microfiber) and ready to go as soon as he is discharged. Yesterday physio was in so hopefully today again and he will get a chance to get up and stretch his legs and maybe walk a little bit. 

His computer is all set up and the bed so he will have a good working area. Just need the wheelchair to have on hand if he needs one for transfers. I still do not know that for sure. 

I am hoping that he gets vaccinated at the hospital. He is in the queue waiting as a receiver of in home care although now he is in the hospital and I must admit to being concerned that he is now bumped from that list since he is in the hospital and must now wait for the 75+ group for his vaccination.

Off to see him shortly; my daughter's online conference got a bit delayed for their presentation and I am avoiding driving across the city at the moment.

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