Sunday, March 28, 2021

Into sleep apnea again

Sleep apnea is disturbing my sleep once again. It comes and it goes and generally I can get it sort of back under control in a week or so. There is the middle time when I sleep well one night and then poorly the next and gradually it evens out. I want to be well rested before Ed comes home. That way I am ready to help him once again. It took us a while to get into a regular routine here with my going to the hospital every afternoon but now it has been a week and gradually we are eating things other than eggs. We ate a lot of eggs last week. Good for you but likely it is also good to have something else. 

Today I want to complete what I did not get done yesterday. Basement is all done for another week but I need to dust the main floor and make up the bed for Ed. I do not know when he will come home. Still hoping that he is able to get into the geriatric rehab program at the Bruyere. That would give him a continuous physio routine for a week or so and he would be ready to come back. 

The ramp hasn't been put in yet and must wait for warmer weather but he can be transported here by medical transport and find his legs walking around the main floor and now everything that he needs is on the same level. I will sleep on an air mattress on the living room floor for a while to be available if he needs me. We have a large cow bell which he has been using to call us in the night as well but probably can use the smaller bell that we keep in the living room in case he needed me and I was out of the room. 

I did get to Church (you-tube) last Sunday and hope to do that again this Sunday. The opportunity to be close to God is one that I greatly enjoy. God is all around us but the worship service on Sunday is particularly wonderful. Perhaps Ed will pick up his phone today. I do not know if I would be better to get him a phone in the room. I will ask at the front desk today when I call in to see if he has had a good night unless he answers me when I call at 9.  And he did answer me. We had a small chat before pills arrived and dressing changes. His voice is clearer each day as he gains in strength.

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