Monday, March 1, 2021

Missed Church again

 Sunday morning was just too busy and I couldn't leave my husband as there were too many things that he needed doing. Do miss my online Church service live. But I have been present through this past eight months which has been rather nice. 

Today I salted the laneway and walk as it is icy out there today. Melting for sure but another cold snap expected so best to salt and see if it will melt faster (lowering the freezing point and all that!). This is cleaning the top floor day and I have managed almost half of it now. The robot vacuum is great and does an excellent job. I can just nip around and get the things it does not do. Although that still does take a couple of hours in the afternoon once the vacuuming is done. When the vaccine comes we will investigate having someone come in and clean the bathrooms and kitchen once a week. A good concentrated cleaning on those rooms would just leave me with the day rooms, bedrooms and basement. I would then have time to clean out cupboards on a rotating basis. 

Still no DNA done really. Occasionally I get a little time to glimpse at all of that.

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