Saturday, March 27, 2021

Must get organized

The last few days I have not been organized. I am the sort of person who organizes their life around the day; I do not generally think very far ahead where organization is concerned other than the cleaning as that is a must to get it done. But I do try each morning to figure out what I should try and accomplish that very day. Life pretty much unfolds in front of you and really your control over how that unfolds is rather limited. I do not feel that you can really control anything that is outside of your ring of influence and for most people that ring is pretty small. You just have to live through the events that are created by life around you as best as you can. You can struggle metaphorically against some of those events but in the long run you didn't create them, activate them and have very little control over how they flow except to absent yourself which is my preferred method of control. But Ed's hospitalization is totally out of my control or even presence now. No visitors on his ward even though I am an essential caregiver. I need to be there when I talk to him to see how he feels; to see if he is getting what he needs in my opinion which is possibly more than is generally done so do bite my tongue on occasion. Ed is a very trusting soul which in the present case is good because he really needs to trust the doctors, nurses and physio people to get him back up on his feet even in a limited way. I am not qualified to do that. I can simply be there helping where I can and cheering him on. 

So what to accomplish today. I need to finish the cleaning. I am a bit behind but surprisingly not too much. Washing the basement floor is the main item and doing some dusting on the main floor is the second item. I want to get the bed made up today for Ed so that it is ready. 

I am still reeling somewhat from a letter I got from our insurance telling me that I can not purchase a hospital bed when my husband is in the hospital; one wonders how can  he come home to a hospital bed which he will need (plenty of support for that from the doctor and occupational therapy) if I do not purchase it before hand. It does not really make any sense to be honest. He really doesn't take very many drugs in spite of his condition that we claim; we spend far more on good quality vitamins and good food. Really he has contributed into this plan during his working days and we continue to pay several thousand in premiums every year and when they sent me the forms they should have said do not submit this until we are sure that your husband will survive long enough to use this bed for a minimum time limit (I did actually speak with them before purchasing). Would I have then bought the bed or rented it? Well I do not know; that particular argument wasn't presented to me. Since they only pay at the most $1800 to my knowledge then we are paying $2350 (bed and therapeutic mattress) ourselves at least and of course the full amount until a claim decision is made. I am trying to decide when to resubmit the documents for a claim review. Since I am 75 my thought processes are not quite as quick as when I was younger and I would not have been involved in this when I was younger as Ed always did the submissions for health plan and I was never involved as I have not been a patient in a hospital since our youngest child was born (39 years ago) other than a very rare emergency visit and seldom go to the doctor mostly because Ed has had so many visits that I sometimes feel like I am constantly in the company of the medical profession plus my health (touch wood) has been very good. Since I have said a ward room for Ed so that there are more people around and he liked the ward at the General last year, the insurance company is actually saving money as he pays for semi-private coverage for which they are not being charged and the savings are more than they would be reimbursing us for the bed/mattress!

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