Tuesday, March 16, 2021

My thoughts today

 Ed is still in the holding area preceding admission to a ward. He is not moving about which does worry me. Young people can tolerate not moving about longer than the old. The old lose muscle mass very very quickly. 

The Hospital Bed is coming Thursday. I am so happy about that. As soon as he is able he will be able to come home and be comfortable and not do any stairs although coming in the front door is still a problem until the ramp is built. We need the snow gone for that and hopefully spring will arrive sooner rather than later. But he can be brought in by medical transfer so not a problem. 

Getting his computer set up right across from his hospital bed along with the scanner. He has a lot of items that he is preparing to send to the museum in his home town. He has done a lot of work through the years and transferring electronically is the best way although he will also send them the paper in the future. 

I am getting rested gradually. I am finding it difficult to settle wondering how he is doing. He is in good hands though I do know that.

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