Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Not such good news

Edward is being winched between the bed and the chair. I am not sure why they decided to do that. I thought he was standing and walking a little with an assist. Perhaps I will find out more today. 

I did talk to Edward today and again he is sounding stronger. He is definitely eating better than he was and back on solid food once again. I do so hope he regains his mobility (with a walker likely). I strained my leg muscle supporting him so not being able to visit him means that my leg gets a rest as I work away at minimizing our stuff. Ideally I would like to see the books reduced another 50% or more by the end of the summer if we are able to make a donation to the OGS/BIFHSGO Library by then. I need to investigate the Library at the Akwesasne Reserve to see if they want more books as well. 

Already the garage is bulging with tables and lamps that we will give to the charitable groups that pick up when that happens. I took a full car load to the Electronics recycling about a week or so ago. I need to keep reducing and the basement definitely needs to be pretty much empty. Still not thinking of moving as once there is a ramp then Ed can manage here with help once he finishes his course of geriatric rehab. He really prefers to stay here. It doesn't matter to me particularly. I just work away on my computer and that I can do pretty much anywhere. 

But still the biggest portion is 50 to 60 boxes of Ed's research over 54 years and more. That I really can not work with readily without him being here. He has reduced the earlier load by about 20 boxes over the last year and probably down as much as 40 boxes over the last couple of years. 

I am also downsizing my library of acquired books as I scan what I want and will pass them on to the Library when that is possible and if they want them. I was somewhat ruthless with the VHS tapes and have reduced them by one half in the last couple of days. I intend to reduce them further. They too await donation as they are all original movie tapes and I guess that the charities still do collect them. The DVDs take up a lot less room for sure and will retain them. I need to be able to look at everything and realize it will all fit into a very small house or apartment. The house for Ed as he loves his garden (and it is soon time for me to don my gardening clothes and do some work out there) and I am happy with an apartment perhaps near the archives or closeby as I have a couple of projects that I would like to work on one of these days. So we will see where we are in a year's time. I had discussed the projects with the researchers there but COVID-19 and Ed's illness, of course, altered that thought. 

Rent or buy is one thought on an apartment. Possibly rent and invest the monies from the sale of this house. We have lived in this house for 43 years and life has certainly changed. But no rush on that at the moment. We still have so much stuff to downsize. Our telephone number was close to the telephone number of the library (2 digits interchanged) and we did get phone calls for the library. When our youngest was four and after yet another of those calls she asked at the dinner table if we lived in a library. You couldn't blame her for wondering every room in our house has bookcases full to the brim. Less so now that we are downsizing but we still have a considerable number of books mostly Ed has purchased them through the years so I tend to think of them as his although we do share everything jointly. My reading favourites tend to be different from his - actual history books (nonfiction), actual stories about countries, science books (actual) and some biographies (limited mostly to science and history). Ed loves to read and best selling novels often appeal to him especially Historical Fiction series and Science Fiction. He reads the actual items as well and especially science and history. After becoming a surprise genealogist back in 2003 (avoided it before then for the most part although did get convinced to present at Gene-O-Rama), I have purchased books that aid me in my research although the numbers are not really huge. I have a good collection of books on DNA both scientific and genealogical in nature. My research is principally online with a box of paper records. I do intend to stay that way as I have given and will give any original material to my younger sister as she lives where people would go to see any such records.

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