Monday, March 22, 2021

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

The good news was that Ed actually had a proper hospital bed when I got to the hospital today. The bad news is that he has been on a stretcher too long but hopefully will heal up quickly.  Today I took in a letter to him from the Shepherds of Good Hope to whom he donates. 

Ed is on a ward now and I am not apparently able to visit with him even as his Essential Caregiver.

I have agreed now to go ahead with the vertebroplasty. I feel it might get him out of the hospital quicker since he is doing physio now and the continuing physio will help him after the surgery. The surgery is just two hours. He has been so healthy all of his life until the last ten years.

We are all setup now for him at home. No ramp yet but he will come home by medical transport.

I do pray for Ed and hope that this will help him to move ahead. A friend of mine's husband has been bedridden for eleven months and I was thinking how hard that must be. The reality is that if my husband had been bedridden then none of this would have happened and he would be safely nestled in his hospital bed here at home.

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