Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rough week became somewhat rougher

I wrote my post yesterday while Ed was still sleeping. Unfortunately he had an episode when we tried to go down the stairs (on his chair lift but there is one step that he has to make). Again Paramedics came to the rescue and took him to the hospital where he remains. He will be admitted and go through some testing which I am very happy to see happening. He has had pain in his back for a couple of months and it would be good to investigate and get some physio for him for that. I am looking forward to that happening. 

His hospital bed will hopefully be able to arrive in a week but until then we have a narrow bed that we can set up if he has to come home earlier than then from the hospital. It is a little lower than our Queen Bed so hopefully easier for him to manage. 

I was in to see him in emergency last night and will try to go again today unless he is moved to his room. I did go to Church (you tube) this morning and the opportunity to do so was somewhat wonderful. I have been a very deeply religious person throughout my life. Nothing has ever turned me from my religious devotions possibly because they are very personal to me. I do not see Church as a social club or even a place to find friends although for some people it can be one or both and I understand that. Hence I have always tried to stay on the sidelines of any Church that I attend in order not to interfere in this nature of Church for some people. 

Prayers as always for Ed to be able to manage his life in the best way possible and strength for me to help him to do so. Fortunately at 75 and a half years of age I remain fairly strong although lifting him these past couple of months has been extremely difficult and I could never have done it without my daughter's help. 

The living room is nearly prepared to receive the hospital bed. Just a few more items to eliminate or move some where else. Not sure what to do with some of it that has come from my family. I have asked if anyone wants items but they like me have a lot of items that we acquired from our parents as they downsized. I intend to donate them once that is a possibility. There have been so many people coming here as refugees that their need for these items is probably significant so likely in the spring when COVID-19 controls our life a little less I will be able to donate these items. 

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