Saturday, March 13, 2021

Rough Week

It has been a pretty rough week. My nervous disorder has been plaguing me for the entire week leaving me somewhat exhausted mentally. Ed was stronger yesterday and managed walking about a number of times as well as biking. He  did not sleep quite as well as usual and is somewhat weaker today. I am letting him rest in bed for a little longer before he gets up. 

There are drugs to treat my nervous disorder but they leave me somewhat confused although I can be surprisingly clearheaded but not always in a meaningful way. I tend to do too much and become exhausted so will refrain from looking at that avenue of support. I think that I can only see one clear path at the moment which is to keep Ed at home (must get that hospital bed soon) until he is fully vaccinated and then for as long as we are able to do that. I shudder to think of him in Long Term Care as he really likes to be at home so am keeping that as a far distant option. Would we be better in an apartment/condo? The biggest problem is too much stuff. Although we have downsized we still have far too much to go into a condo or apartment or even a smaller house. Time is something that I need to continue sorting books out that can go to libraries (we gave most of our National Geographic hardcovered books and journals (50 years worth) to the Maniwaki Reserve Library but during the pandemic that is not likely a possibility to give them any more plus I wasn't involved in that transfer so do not know the people).   

If it would help Ed to move I would do that but I would really rather stay here and continue to downsize so that all of his work in genealogy goes to family members or local libraries where he grew up. It will take me time to organize all of that. 

So I am in a bit of a quandary with respect to all of that which doesn't help my nervous disorder very much. Although it is great to have support coming in I am of course nervous for Ed since he is still not yet vaccinated.

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