Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Time marches onward and waits for no man

 It is time that saves us in the long run. It is time that restores us. Beautiful sunrise today and spring is definitely trying to come. But we could still have snow and a good heavy snowfall at that. Here in Canada we wait for the weather to march on to summer. Spring is really mud season when the water flows and it doesn't last very long fortunately. Summer soon arrives and we have that wonderful warm sun for a few months. 

Off to see Ed again a little later. Yesterday was a struggle for him but by the end of the day he was eating and drinking. Ed is a fighter; his restorative powers have been amazing. Time is his friend and God willing he will be able to do all the things that he wants to do. 

The boxes await him (more than 50 of them); full of their prized content that he has collected during our 54 and a half years of marriage and there are boxes from before that time as he still has all of his school notes dating back a number of years. That material has traveled with us all these years. I am not a hoarder so not much remains of my time. I like to just store up memories in my mind and not keep the paperwork!

An entire new phase of life has opened up for Ed and as always he is up to the task mentally. One prays that his physical ability will support all of that.

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