Thursday, March 25, 2021

Washed up the bedding for the hospital bed

I got some nice printed flannelette sheets for  the Hospital Bed - trees printed on it like spring which I think Ed will enjoy. The pillow slip is the same so will be something nice to look at. Plus he can see the trees out of the window. As soon as he will be coming home I shall get the wheel chair if that is the recommended idea and a commode if they think we need that as well. He will have some physio though before he will be ready to come home. Surgery is now complete and he is in recovery. At nearly 78 considering all of his medical difficulties the last four years I am relieved that the surgery went very well. Now just time and energy and good luck to see if he can get his mobility back with aids of course and a ramp to get in and out. He so loves being in the yard. Still praying and God in His mercy will answer those prayers in His own way.

We have already planned the large gardening area as flowers since the Black Walnut will not let us plant anything in the garden. It is a hog that tree; everything in its path is pretty much a victim although some plants will survive under this tree's great spread of branches. I am used to this tree being tall and straight and branching high up into the sky but as a singleton in a cultivated yard it takes advantage of all that space and spreads out. Our maple is probably 50 feet away from it so we will not likely see it succumb to the ravages of Black Walnut in our lifetime. We planted that maple from a sapling that grew in this land so it has the best chance to survive in the heavy clay. It is huge now and we very much enjoy it all year round. Last year the leaves were a beautiful crimson red in the fall. 

When we will get reimbursed for that hospital bed is a mystery. We will have to wait and see. At least I can claim it on the Income Tax next year.

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