Friday, April 16, 2021

Continuing to work through

There are so many items to work on even though I know all of our finances very well. I just never thought about this happening. Not even once actually. Ed has been ill a while but he kept bouncing back to a level where he managed all of his day to day activities until last November. That time to mid March when he went by ambulance to the hospital was spent caring for him night and day. In the exhaustion that followed not looking after him I rested getting ready for his return. Probably there really isn't anyway to prepare for this deluge of paperwork. Just work through it; try to put out any fires from things you didn't think about and move forward. The light at the end of my tunnel is a long way off but God willing I will make it there. It will be an absolutely different world from what I was used to with my husband. I sang some of his favourite songs to him that last couple of days. Part of me is gone forever but when we meet again we will be as one once again.

Starting to work on the CPP and the Death Benefit where they ask if you were eligible to receive Family Allowance for any children born after 1958. That one certainly threw me. In the very distant past I do believe that I received a cheque for our eldest monthly for awhile but for our youngest I think that my husband's income level was above the level for that at some point after she was born (I do not think that the income level was very high actually before the Family Allowance disappeared). Since we destroy our income tax returns after seven years it is really almost impossible to check that one but of course I am sure that CRA has the records.

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