Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Edward's hospital bill

 Edward was in hospital for 27 days; he actually prefers the ward although he pays for semi private coverage (he does that for me as I really like to be quiet in a hospital but I haven't been in one as a patient for 39 years and God willing I never will be again!). He finds it interesting talking to the people in the room. The three men at the General in the room with him were very talkative and he often told me how interesting it was to be in with a number of people. His bill for the hospital stay was just the ambulance that drove him there $45.00 and it was his first ambulance to the hospital in three years. I generally drove him to the hospital so that I could choose which hospital but this time he had to go by ambulance. Still sorting through the 27 days in my mind (I spent three days and two nights in the hospital with him). I think he was amazed that I stayed but there wasn't any other place that I would have wanted to be. One thing they could invest in is small cots to sleep on (I think Red Cross uses those). The big bulky chairs take up too much room. But the hospital system is strapped for money; there isn't any spare money in the system. I am contemplating what I could give in Edward's name that would be useful. He would want me to do that in his memory.

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