Friday, April 23, 2021

End of the day

This was a long difficult day but finished thankfully. Car loan is all paid. Car is transferred to me. Monday I need to check to make sure I have done everything now for the house and car insurance. I also need to determine if the City will debit the account for the taxes on the first of May. Other than that I appear to be breathing a little easier this evening. 

Continuing with our book sorting and we hope to finish that by mid May. Then we can start to think about his camera collection (most of which went to the Princeton Museum) but there are still about six boxes and ancient developing equipment. 

There is also equipment for Ham Radio which he also loved doing and was very involved with the local Club back in the late 70s and 80s. Ed had so many hobbies; he loved life and he lived it to the full. Even in his illness he was still working away on his family research on into early February. We still chatted about it into March.

Early in June my son in law will get the house put up for sale; he is organizing that for me. The last house I was involved in selling was in the spring of 1975. We have lived here for 43 years. The family next door to us moved in a couple of months later and we are the longest living people on this street. Initially I did get involved with welcoming people when we first moved in (an unusual thing for me) and it didn't last long. It isn't really me to go house to house and welcome people. It isn't really me to stand at a welcome desk at Church either and I was not sorry to leave the post although I did do it well. I was glad to get back to work and become my normal hibernating self. I had promised Ed I would go to Church as a family with he and the girls and I did do so for nearly 20 years. But he didn't mind after ten years when I decided to go back to my own Church for the early service on Sunday; I still went with them at 11. 

Not sure what tomorrow will be like. Having to do all these things pulls me out of my beloved hibernation. I will be happier when I settle into life with my daughter and work on my husband's papers and files to get them sent to people who may be interested in having them.  Then I can get back to my research having managed my husband's research respectfully. He loved his 17 years of retirement working on his family tree with all of its surprises and all of the other things that he did do as well. His retirement was as busy as his working career. I would say his was a life well lived and he did it very well.

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