Friday, April 2, 2021

Hospital Bed all resolved

Chalk it up to my not knowing how to manage submissions. The Hospital Bed is all resolved. Now just have to move on to getting Edward strong enough to come home and occupy it. Yesterday I visited him and it was the first time that I have seen him in nearly two weeks. He looked better in colour but still some lingering problems. I asked him if he was ready to come home and he said he needed a little longer. He is not quite independent enough that I would be able to care for him myself for a large part of the day which is sad as I would really like him home but he knows my limits of strength and ability to manage him. 

I think asking for ward instead of semi-private was a good decision though he actually pays for semi-private in his insurance. He had been moved to another floor for a couple of days (and that was lucky as I could visit him for one hour). The other occupant was pretty quiet and totally surrounded by curtains so pretty lonely for him. He is back in a ward again now. He will be happier to have more people around him (there are three of them). Soon he will be home again. I shall continue to prepare for his return. The next item is the ramp. I hope that construction can happen soon but we wait for the ground to thaw after the cold winter. It will be a wooden ramp from the front door to the ground. I guess once the layout is decided then it might not take too long to build. 

I also need to get a wheelchair and I now know the correct size so will get that going once I know when he is coming home. The OMS said it does not take too long to have that delivered to me here. Probably I should get a walker that is simply a standing walker for transfers from bed to wheelchair. I will need to learn about that. Most other items we now have acquired. 

Being a visitor in a nursing home in my teen years I was, at that time, used to seeing people in various stages of illness back in the 50s and early 60s. It is more complicated now because medicine has moved along and people live longer with more equipment to aid them. At the moment Edward does not have any specialized support systems and hopefully that will continue. My ability to manage those types of support is very limited since I have no training although I will be eager to learn if needed. 

We have a lot of work to do to manage all of his material. Plus we are writing his story and that of his mother. I think he wishes he had listened to me when I started to talk about writing family stories on a personal level but he was healthy and time seemed on his side with regard to taking on such projects. I will probably never regret doing my writeups on my parents/grandparents/great grandparents. I am still working on my 2x great grandparents and must get back to that one of these days. 

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