Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Wonders of the Modern Life

This Easter is wondrous to contemplate the wonders of the modern life. I was at Church using You-Tube today. It has become my preferred method of going to Church to be honest. I actually haven't been anywhere except for the oil change for the car last week and visiting Ed in the hospital for weeks. I can not visit him in the hospital now as the floor he is on is off limits for the time being. It was good to see him last week even though it was just one hour. He was stronger in some ways but I do fear for him. I asked him if he would like to come home but he said he wasn't strong enough yet. He knows that the past three months has been very hard on my daughter and myself as we worked our way forwards trying to solve the problem of his back and his rapidly deteriorating mobility. COVID-19 is certainly to blame for some of the inability to really work on that. I have no idea how to proceed in some cases since everything is a process that has to be managed. In the hospital he is receiving physio daily and hopefully his strength will return in sufficient fashion for him to go to geriatric prehab and then come home. We are ready here although still need to know all the equipment we might need to manage. 

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